Observing Log for Mike Durkin4/18/02 7:30-9:00 Jones Beach 4.5" Newtonian First observers Venus, which was very low on the horizon, and in the west so I couldn't easily identify the phas, although it looked about full After checking when I got home, the phase was about 95% full. Also observed Jupiter, which was easy to see, however due to the high winds, the views wasn't stable enough to see any details. I hope the beach isn't normally this windy. Also again tried to see M51 by starhopping. I think I had the area in my field of view, however I wasn't able to see it. After some feedback from some other members in AOS, it seems that this galaxy isn't not quite as easy to see as I had originally thought. Dark skies or a larger scope are required to see even the center. |