Below are links about amateur astronomy, a hobby of mine.
To find out a little more about amateur astronomy, please click here.

Mike Durkin's Astronomy Log: A record of my observations.
My astrophotgraphy gallery: Various pictures I have taken of celestial objects such as the planets and the Moon. I'm still new at this, so don't expect a lot.

Amateur Observers' Society of New York: A local astronomy club that I am a member of. They are mainly located in Long Island, NY.

Miscellaneous Astronomy Links

Upcoming sky condiftions in NYC

Upcoming sky conditions in Robert Moses State Park

Upcoming weather conditions courtesy of The Clear Sky Clock Home Page.

Astrophotography 101: How to Take Stellar Pictures: An article at about astrophotgraphy where I'm quoted.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: Impressive pictures related to astronomy.
Inaka's 3D Space World: 3D astronomical images. They work like the Magic Eye images where you cross your eyes and the image pops out at you.
This week's sky at a glance: Astronomical events that are happening this week. From Sky & Telescope Magazine.

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