Observing Log for Mike Durkin

8/11/2007 7:00PM-1:00AM
Robert Moses State Park
Transparency: 9/10, Seeing: 3/5
about 60-70 degrees
Celestron Ultima 8 PEC

A day before the Perseid meteor shower, and a really nice day, so I went down to RMSP.
Soon after I got there, a couple of other AOSers shoed up. First thing I looked at was Jupiter. Even though it was still bright out, it was possible to see Jupiter if you knew where it was. I used mostly my 17mm(118x) and 7.4mm(270x) eyepieces. One of the equitorial belts seems to have been fainter than I have seen in the past. I althought thought I saw what looked like a dark bar near the edge of the disk by the equator. I also saw 3 of the moons.
Observered M28, a globular cluser in Sagittarius. Kind of faint and I think it was about 20-30 arc minutes in size. After looking up the real dimensions, I don't think I am remembering the size correctly. I am pretty sure that I was not looking at M22, which is about 30 arc minures in size. I was star hopping from Lambda Sagittarii (aka Kaus Borealis) to M8 at the time.
I also observed M8, the Lagoon Nebula, with the 30mm(67x) eyepiece.
Mainly during the night I was taking piggyback shots with my DSLR.
I also tried looking for M20, the Trifid Nebula, but I wasn't able to see it.
Also before I left I tried tracking down a double star from the Sissy Haas book. However it was getting late and starhopping was hard without having my laptop right next to the telescope.
As for meteors, I did see a couple during the night, but it wasn't anything special.

Here are the piggy back shots I took:

Milky Way in Sagittarius
A 2 minute exposure of the Sagittarius region of the Milky Way. Plenty of deep sky objects in this field.
Milky Way and a meteor?
A 1 minute exposure of the Sagittarius region of the Milky Way.. Looks like I may have been lucky enough to catch a Perseid while taking a picture of the Milky Way.
North America Nebula in Cygnus
A 3 minute exposure of the North America Nebula in Cygnus. My focus was a little off though which you can see if you look at the high resolution version of this picture.
Area around the Coathanger Cluster
The part of the sky where you can see the Coat Hanger Cluster. You can easily see the Dumbbell Nebula (M27) and M71. My focus was a little off though which you can see if you look at the high resolution version of this picture.
This shot of part of Cassiopeia. There was a significant amout of light pollution in this direction, which is why there is a very noticeable gradient in the upper left. In this image there are a couple of emission nebulae as well some star clusters. My focus was a little off though which you can see if you look at the high resolution version of this picture.

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