Observing Log for Mike Durkin1/4/2003 9:30-10:00 PM Oyster Bay, about 30-40 degrees Transparency 9/10, seeing: 7/10 10x50 binoculars I was a little bummed out that I didn't have my other eyepieces with me. It was a very clear night, although I was expecting it to be overcast. Even so, I probably wouldn't want to put the scope out on the snow in the back yard. Tonight is also the night that Saturn crosses M1, but I decided that it probably wasn't worth it since Saturn is so much brighter. I made a printout of the Cassiopeia and I wanted to try to get M103 and M52 for the Messier catalog. I was able to make out M103, however I couldn't see any real detail in binoculars. It seemed to be just a slightly bright patch against the background of the Milky Way. I also noticed NGC 663, another open cluster, in the same field of view. I scanned the area that M52 is in however I could not see it with binoculars. I will need a telescope to see it. Also noticed M35 in Gemini. Looked like a more extended fuzzy object that the clusters in Cassiopeia |