Observing Log for Mike Durkin

2/19/2010 about 11:00PM-1:30AM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing 4/5
Temperature: about 25-35 degrees
Equipment: Stellarvue 70mm, 10x50 binoculars, and Hutech Modified Canon Rebel XT

I made variable star observations of ε Aur, η Gem, X CnC, and T Cnc.
I also observed the asteroid Vesta in Leo with the help of my iPhone app, Sky Voyager. The asteroid was also bright enough that I was able to take a couple of pictures with my DSLR. I hope to take another picture tomorrow a day or two later to show the aseroid's movement.

Here is a final result where I was able to stack a second image from 2/20-21:

Animation of Vesta
Here are 2 frames taken on of the aseroid Vesta on 2 separate days. The asteroid moved about 1/4 of a degree between each frame.
Telescope: Stellarvue SV70ED
Focal length: 420mm
Camera: Hutech modified Rebel XT
Exposure: 2.5 sec
ISO: 1600
No tracking was used.

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