Observing Log for Mike Durkin

11/28/2010 8:30PM-11:00PM
Locust Valley, NY
Temperature: about 30-40 degrees
Transparency: 9/10, Seeing ?/5
Equipment: Hutech modified Canon Rebel XT

I took some images of the area around ε Aur, in order to plug into the Citizen Sky Photometry speadsheet. This is to find the color transformation coefficient and also the extinction coefficient. I took two sets of images, separated by about 45 minutes to get different airmass values.

11/27/2010 11:30PM-2:00AM
Locust Valley, NY
Temperature: about 40 degrees
Transparency: 9/10, Seeing ?/5
Equipment: Stellarvue 70mm

Observed some variable stars: γ Cas, W Per, Y Per, α Ori. I also observed RY Cam, but I wasn't using valid comparison stars. I did find what is probably a good chart after fishing around the AAVSO site a little.
I also observed M45, M42, M43 and M41.


11/12/2010 11:00PM-2:30AM
Locust Valley, NY
Temperature: forget, but probably around 50 degrees
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing ?/5
Equipment: Hutech modified Canon Rebel XT

I wanted to try to use my DSLR to take some photometry measurements of Algol during it's eclipse. The middle of the eclipse was at about 00:52 AM local time. I was able to get fully set up around that time, so I may have missed the eclipse just before the minimum. I took images about every 5-10 minutes until about 2 AM, by that time the camera lens was starting to get dew.
Here is a graphy of my photometry measurements which can clearly show Algol beginning to brighten:


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