Observing Log for Mike Durkin
12/30-31/2024 about 9:00PM-12:30AM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing 2/5
Temperature: 40-55 degrees
Equipment: Celestron Ultima 8 with PEC and ZWO 174MM mini
The evening started out partially cloudy and even though the forecast said it should have been a good enough night
for some prime focus imaging, I decided to just do some planetary imaging of Jupiter and Mars.
This was also a chance to try the new imaging train without the visual back. It seemed better than last time
but tere were still some faint shadow specs. Next maybe I should look at cleaning the RGB filters and
the 5x Barlow lens.
I also slipped in a visual magnitude measurement of α Ori.
Long Island, NY
Temperature: 40-55 degrees
Equipment: Celestron Ultima 8 with PEC and ASI174MM Mini (mono). Separate 30s RGB images obtained with an ASIAir and processed with AutoStakkert 4.0.11 and Registax 6, then combined in GIMP.
Jupiter and 2 of it's moons, Io and Europa
12/26/2024 about 6:30-8:30
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 9/10, Seeing 3/5
Temperature: 25-35 degrees
Equipment: Hutech modified Canon T3i
DSLR photometry of P Cyg, γ Cas, κ Cas, and ρ Cas.
I also tried to do AG Peg, but that was too low in the sky.
I had some trouble getting the right exposure time and star size to make sure
I didn't saturate any pixels.
There was also still some scattered patches of ice on the ground.
12/1/2024 about 6:30-8:30
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing 3/5
Temperature: 30-45 degrees
Equipment: Hutech modified Canon T3i
DSLR photometry of P Cyg, CH Cyg, and AG Peg.
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