Observing Log for Mike Durkin
5/31/2024-6/1/2024 about 10:00PM-2:00AM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing 3/5
Temperature: about 50-65 degrees
Equipment: Meade Lightbridge 16 inch
First some visual observing.
M104, Sombrero Galaxy - Was just barely able to see it. A definite oval shape but
could not detect the dust lane.
NGC4762 - egde on spiral. Saw a sliver and not too hard to see at least some of it.
M53 - globular cluster. A little smaller and compact than I expected. Also didn't
seem totally spherical in shape. I could start to resolve some stars, but not very
M64, Black Eye Galaxy - seemed to be able to see some of the more extended disk. I
wasn't certain however if I could make out the "black eye" part.
M57, Ring Nebula - this actually looked pretty nice, maybe by best visual observation
of it. The ring shape was apparent and could tell that it was slightly oval. No
central star that I could see however.
I also tried using the ASIAir, ZWO mini camera, and the Star Analyzer 100 to try to
see how some spectra would look. I had a little bit of trouble finding the right combination
of tubes to get to a length that would focus, but by using the "Camera Adapter" tube
typically used for eyepiece projection, I was eventually able to get some videos.
I took videos of Polaris, Deneb, and Lyra.
I did have an issue during the evening where the 32mm Plossl eyepieve fell apart and
hopefully I've put it back together correctly.
I am also a litte concerned about the how sharp an image I am able to get with this
scope. The focus seems a little "soft" when using high magnification eyepieces. I
beleieve that the scope was decently collimated, but maybe I need some one else to
verify this for me.
5/25/2024 about 11:00PM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: N/A, Seeing N/A
Temperature: N/A
Equipment: Meade Lightbridge 16 inch
Not really an observing session, I wanted to check out an equipment configuration.
For the spectrographic grating, I wanted to see if I could connect the ZWO 174MM mini
to the telescape with all the cable to the ASIAir and the Jackery battery. I had
to use the folding card table, but when using that, all the cables seemed long enough
that this should be very easy to set up. I had the camera in the eyepiece hole, connected
to the ASIAir on the table, which was also plugged into the bettery on the same table.
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