Observing Log for Mike Durkin

2/19/2024 about 6:00-8:00PM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing 3/5
Temperature: 25-40 degrees
Equipment: Celestron Ultima 8 with PECi and ASI 174MM (mono)

Tried to get some video files of Jupiter when I think the Great Red Spot was transiting. No sign of the moons in the videos.
I also saved to a thumb drive instead of the ASIAir storage. That doesn't seem to save with as good a frame rate as the onboard storage.
I also noticed that the seeing got noticeably worse towards the end as Jupiter was setting and maybe it was over another house causing turbulance.
It also got very cold towards the end.

Date: 2/19/2024
Long Island, NY
Temperature: 25-40 degrees
Equipment: Celestron Ultima 8 with PEC and ASI174MM Mini (mono)
Separate 30s RGB images obtained with an ASIAir and processed with AutoStakkert 3.1.4 and Registax 6, then combined in GIMP.
For the animated images, the 6 frames were combined to make an animated gif.

2/17/2024 about 9:00-13:00PM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing 3/5
Temperature: 20-30 degrees
Equipment: 10x50 binoculars

Visual measurements of V465 Cas, W CMa, and RS Cnc.
It was very cold out and I wasted some time on another star in Cas, but I think it was too dim or the sky too bright.
I also looked at M42 quickly, saw slight nebulosity. Also looked at the moon, which was a little bit past first quarter. The edge mountains of Mare Imbrium was clearly visible, plus some other craters on the souther hemisphere.

2/4/2024 about 7:00-10:00PM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 10/10, Seeing 4/5
Temperature: 30-40 degrees
Equipment: Hutech modified Canon T3i

DSLR Photometry of γ Cas, ρ Cas, κ Cas, ε Aur, and AB Aur. I am also trying this with flat darks to see if that helps make the flats better.
Also a visual measurement of α Ori.

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