Observing Log for Mike Durkin

5/31/2009 8:00-11:00PM
Locust Valley, NY
Transparency: 7/10, Seeing 3/5
Temperature: about 60 degrees
Equipment: Celestron Ultima 8 with PEC

With the moon being out and near first quarter, I didn't really plan on much observing, but I wanted to test out a paper Bahtinov mask. It seemed to work fine, and I've decided to order a more sturdy mask online for the Starfest.
After that I decided to try to see if I could find any galaxies in Virgo, even with the moon. I used my planetarium softwar on my iPhone, and picked what I think was a galaxy around 11th magnitude. I forgot which galaxy I had picked, however I don't think I was able to make it out, even with a light pollution filter or averted vision.

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